Highline College

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Students 2024-05-29T11:15:09+00:00

MESA Graduate

MESA Students

Here at Highline College, the MESA Program is truly a student centered program built around confidence, connections, and camaraderie. Students are able to influence the programs vision by highlighting their experiences and perspectives to enhance cultural competence. All MESA students help to enrich the programs growth and build rapport with the faculty and staff. Our students are leaders both on and off campus, are highly motivated to not settle for the standard but to exceed the standard, and to ensure all students feel welcomed. We currently employee student ambassadors and Academic Excellence Workshop facilitators to assist with daily operations.

Highline MESA Students

  • 91% were considered under-represented
  • 72% were considered low-income
  • 76% were considered first generation
  • 62% were female
  • 42% majored in Science
  • 37% majored in Engineering
  • 21% majored in Math or Technology