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Internships 2025-03-10T12:36:20+00:00



Microsoft Mentorship Partnership: Project Beacon at Highline MESA

Behavioral Research Advancements in Neuroscience (BRAIN) @ Emory University – engage in cutting edge neuroscience, biomedical and behavioral science research. 10-weeks, stipend, housing deadline Feb 1st

Biology Research @ Pepperdine University – for students who have completed one year of biology and are interested in biological research, science education, environmental science or biotechnology. Deadline Feb 15th.

Biomedical Researc @ Sloan-Kettering for students interested in pursuing a career in biomedically related sciences. GPA of 3.0 and should have completed at least college-level general biology and/or introductory chemistry. Deadline Feb 1st

Center for Biophotonics @ UC Davis –science & engineering majors will learn more about Bioimaging, Molecular & Cellular Biophotonics and Medical Biophotonics. up to $5,000 stipend, housing, travel deadline March 2nd  http://cbst.ucdavis.edu/education/undergraduate/research

Chemistry Summer Research @ USC — Projects involve experimental techniques such as molecular-scale imaging, femtosecond time-resolved observations, X-ray crystallography, etc. Theoretical investigations exploit computer simulations and graphics to investigate processes of biochemical and material applications. Also included are projects in other areas of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. In our summer program, you will work one-on-one in a lab with a faculty advisor and graduate student mentor. We will have weekly meetings on scientific topics as well as graduate school applications and scientific ethics. Included will be tours of the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute, the Molecular Robotics Lab, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other research labs in the LA area. deadline Mar 15th

John Hopkins School of Medicine SUmmer Internship Program. Deadline Feb 1st

Harvard Forest Summer Research Program. Deadline Feb 5th

Internship Guide

Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) matches promising undergraduate women and undergraduate men from groups underrepresented in computing with a faculty mentor for a summer research experience. Many different locations! Rolling admissions – deadline Feb 15th

Elementary-Particle Physics @ Cornell University – science and engineering students from around the country will be invited to participate in research at the Laboratory. Stipend, food, travel. deadline Feb 19th



Hugh Edmondson Research Internship @ UC Davis Med School – for students with a strong interest in the health sciences such as clinical laboratory scientist and cytotechnologists. Deadline Mar 1st

IBM Almaden Research Center – deadline Feb 1st

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – $5,000, housing at CSU Monterey Bay – potential internships in — Ocean observation systems, Ocean-floor mapping, Web design, Sensor development, Geology, Microbiology, Physical oceanography, Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Deep-sea ecology, In situ chemical analyses, Software engineering, Video technology and Science writing  — apply online, deadline Feb 10th

Nano-Bio Interface Research Program @ U of Pennsylvania — research experience in nanobiotechnology with structured professional development focused on cross-cultural issues. The focus of the research is molecular interactions at the interface of physical and biological systems organized around themes of molecular motion, opto-electronic function of biomolecules, and single molecule probes. Majors – materials science, mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics, bioengineering, physiology, chemical engineering, and electrical engineering . deadline Feb 26th

National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network – 70 ten-week summer internships at 14 sites!   $4,000 stipend, housing and travel.  Hands-on nanoscience and technology research with applications to bio-engineering, chemistry, electronics, materials science, optics,opto-electronics, physics, and the life sciences. Open to engineering and science students with interests across disciplines focusing on nanotechnology.  deadline Feb 10th

Physics Research Experiences @ UC Davis Strong preference is given to students who have completed at least one year of calculus based introductory physics. Free housing and meals, a $300/week stipend, and travel. Will accept non-citizens only if they can provide their own funding. deadline Feb 12th

RUMBA Molecular Biology @ SJSU – summer research for biology majors last year deadline in Febhttp://www.biology.sjsu.edu/rumba/NSF-REU_RUMBA/Application_Process.html

Science Summer Research/AMGEN Scholars Program @ Stanford – for transferring students (one place for international students and rising sophomores) research program for science majors interested in biomedical and biological sciences deadline Feb 1st http://ssrp.stanford.edu/

Solar & Space Physics @ U of Colorado work with scientists at the University of Colorado and at the National Center for Atmospheric Research on projects spanning the field of solar and space physics, from instrument hardware to data analysis to modeling of the Sun-Earth system. deadline Jan 18thhttp://lasp.colorado.edu/reu/

SRI Molecular Physics Lab –$4,800 – located in Menlo Park – apply online (materials will be updated soon),deadline Feb 28th   http://www.sri.com/psd/reu

Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) – various opportunities, including jobs for youth deadline varies

STEP-UP Natl Institutes of Health –the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease’s STEP-UP Program is designed to provide short-term research education for undergraduate students – 10-week, $4,000 stipend deadline Feb 15th

STEP-UP Summer Internship Program, various sites funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) offer summer research in the areas of diabetes, nutrition, obesity, and digestive, kidney, and hematological diseases. deadline Feb 15th

stipend, free furnished on-campus housing, travel reimbursement, and ongoing support after the program ends. deadline Mar 8th

Summer Medical & Dental Program (SMDEP) – this is THE program for pre-med or pre-dental students – 12 locations at med schools — UCLA has a PREFERENCE for community college students., 5-weeks, free housing/food, stipend rolling deadline –apply EARLY! opens Nov 1st www.smdep.org  Past Participants: Gabriel Alvarado participated in SMDEP at Case Western Reserve Medical & Dental School in Ohio

Summer Programs for Undergrad Research (SPUR) @ UCLA –various programs for many majors deadline Feb 1st http://www.gdnet.ucla.edu/asis/srp/srpintro.htm 

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) @ Rockefeller University — students work with leading scientists in a broad range of areas including biochemistry; structural biology and chemistry; molecular, cell and developmental biology; immunology; virology and microbiology; neuroscience; physics; and mathematical biology. College sophomores and juniors are eligible to spend 10 weeks during the summer in a Rockefeller University laboratory.deadline Feb 1st

Teach! K-12 Summer Breakthrough Collaborative Sites –26 different locations across the US (including San Jose and San Francisco) interested in a possible career teaching? find out what it’s like to teach K-12 kids. You’ll have support from experienced teachers. Deadline Mar 1st